Fenn Martin-Ceramics
Making Peace
The Coady International Institute
March 2011

Making Peace is in the general shape of a horizontal figure eight (an infinity symbol) within a rectangular frame. A flow of ornament and characters move, morph and evolve within this cyclical shape. Depth and perspective draw in the viewer and connect several sub-narratives together.
Through a process of formal and Informal interviews I collected a series of stories related to Peace. Many similar themes kept emerging such as food security, communication, community and spirtuality. My challenge as artist is to create symbols for very complicated ideas like interconnectedness, harmory, democracy. I needed to create a metaphors for growth, interconnectedness, trust.
These ideas relate to our story of the Antigonish Movement and the rich history of the Coady Institute. It is a story of community building, the coming together to share food, stories and livlihood. Communities that came together to build co-operatives and to educate each-other.
Officially celebrating 150 years of St. Fx, also the achievements of the Antigonish movement, Making Peace celebrates the tireless work of the staff and students of the Coady Institute.
Special thanks to the Sisters of St. Martha for giving me the opportunity to work on this scale,. This is the largest single piece I've worked on to date. It provided me with many technical challenges and opportunities.
Making Peace is a meaningful, inspirational creation that captures what the original Antigonish Movement and today's Coady are all about... We'll be proud to show this to our world leaders while they're on campus
— Gord Cunningham, Interim Director, Coady International Institute, St. Francis Xavier University
Making Peace speaks of a movement, an energy that supports the development of relationships. It invites one to live in harmony, unity, communion and celebration... an extraordinary creation.
— Sister Mary MacFarlane, Leader, Sisters of St Martha Congregation, Antigonish, N.S.